Contact details: 
First name:
Last name:
Province / country:
Mobile phonenumber:
Do you have WhatsApp on your mobile number? 
E-mailadress *:  
Which form of contact do you prefer?
Until what time may we contact you?
Can we contact you on Sundays?
Will you let us know if you found a dog somewhere else?
Are you looking for a            
What age do you prefer? (minimum and maximum)
Is it okay for the dog to have a medical condition or disability?
What expectations do you have of the dog? Can you explain why you prefer a bouvier?

Do you have any experience with bouviers?
Are you willing to go with the dog to a dog school if necessary?
(ore just for fun and to develope a good bond between you and the dog?)
Are you aware that the dog can have issues do to its past? And are you willing to invest a lot of time, love and patience in the dog for him or her to get over it?
Is there a possibility for you to take a few days off so the dog can adjust a bit better?
Are you physical capable to take care of a bouvier?
What is going to be done with the dog on a daily base?
Can you please describe your living conditions? How do you live, what kind of house etcetera.
What is your family composition and what age does everyone have?
Are you aware of the monthly costs for a bouvier and are you financial capable to take care of it? That also includes visits to the vet.
Do all family members support the adoption?
Is anyone in your household allergic to dogs?
I have read the privacy statement of Stichting Bouviersupporters and agree with this.
* ATTENTION ! If no e-mail address is entered, this form will NOT be sent!
Can it be a (bouvier looking) mix?
Are you looking for a stable dog or may it be a bit of a challenge?
Do you have any experience with rehomed dogs?
Did you ever have to rehome a dog?
Do you work outdoors and how many hours does the dog have to be alone?
Are there currently living any other dog(s) with you?
Do you prefer a certain colour?
If so, what age, breed, character and are they spayed or neutered?
Do you have any other pets/animals? If so what kind of other pets?
Where is the dog going to live? Indoors, outdoors, a combination of both?
Do you have any objections to the fact that we frequently get in contact with you to ask how the dog is doing?
Are you willing to keep in contact with us to let us know how the dog is doing?
Any additions or questions can be written here :
Registrationform : Looking for a bouvier.
Thanks for filling in the registration form and also thanks for wanting to give a bouvier who, for whatever reasons can’t stay with its current owner,a new home.
Please keep in mind that not all current owners of the bouviers that are looking for a home want to rehome them oversees.

We don’t charge you anything for being on our waiting list or for our mediation. We don’t share your personal details with others, we only keep them in our own administration. Please give us as much information as possible, so we can help you find the bouvier that fits perfectly in your own circumstances.

If you’re interested in one of the bouviers on our list and you would like to adopt him or her, it is required that you travel to the Netherlands, Belgium or Germany to meet the dog in person.

Please let us know if you have found a dog somewhere else, so we can take you of our list.

As told earlier, we don’t charge any costs for our mediation. We are all volunteers and we depend on gifts and donations. Pleas keep that in mind when our mediation by finding you a bouvier is successful. We would like to continue doing our activities in the future and want to keep helping bouviers and owners who need us to. Your support would be highly appreciated.

If you want more information, or have more questions please contact us at .

Bemiddelt bij het herplaatsen van Bouviers
© Stichting Bouviersupporters 2010 - 2023